Birds as performing art
Pilot project 2023
Purpose of the project
Create a network and explore possibilities of a theater performance in the summer 2024 in Thy/Denmark and Hallan/Sweden.
The purpose of the work is to strengthen the bond between man and nature by studying our birds' movements and behaviors and translating the observations into stage art using physical acting tools taken from Eastern theater tradition.
Create networks for deepening, practice and knowledge exchange within physical and eastern theater tradition in the Nordics.

”Ursprungsbefolkningen över hela världen är tycker det viktigt att känna ansvar och vördnad för naturen. Den fysiska närheten såväl som det mentala bandet till naturen. Bandet är mest sannolikt starkt om relationerna till naturen är nära. Hur kan vi återknyta bandet mellan människa och natur?” Ur Raija Lanas ”Hur kan vi förbättra vår relation till naturen”
”By directing attention to materials or processes in nature, art and aesthetic expression can influence people's environmental ethics”
Emily Brady, 2007

Our Story
The birds we got to know during the work together, and shared with the audience the last days was the crane and the seagull. We could follow the cranes to their meeting place where they dance the crane dance and the little seagulls journey coming out of her egg and learn to fly. We actually landed in a full performance after these three days, quite amazing! It brings us good hope for coming projects and performances in the future, not that we will create something in three days but that there is a great competence, creativity, play and good will in this group of people.

Carolina Pizarro holds workshop with the project group (four actors and one musician from Denmark and Sweden) at Kulturhotel Hawkraft in Vestervig DK. They study the birds in order to translate them into movement and mime, inspired by kalaripayattu, a south indian martial art. Together with Kristina Sahlberg as creative director the performance about the Seagull and the Crane is being formed.

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